dorsaVi Biomechanic Movement Analysis
Runners, hikers, bikers, and trail walkers now have a new opportunity to analyze pain or less than optimal performance while moving. dorsaVi is a wearable sensor technology that allow measurements to be taken during motion in all 3 planes!
Over 250 readings per second, provide therapists the information needed to get you out of pain and improve your performance. Sensors can be used both in clinic or taken home for a 24 hour period to maximize the support we can provide you.
For more information, stop by one our orthopedic clinics!
Over 250 readings per second, provide therapists the information needed to get you out of pain and improve your performance. Sensors can be used both in clinic or taken home for a 24 hour period to maximize the support we can provide you.
For more information, stop by one our orthopedic clinics!