
Welcome to AVORA TeleHealth!
AVORA has a new tool to assist patients who are unable to travel to the AVORA Health Center for diagnostic testing and treatment of balance or vestibular disorders. We establish you as a real patient, because you are a real patient. TeleHealth allows our doctors to interact with you using voice, video, and text formats over your computer, tablet, or smart phone. The best part is, you get to attend the appointment from the convenience of your own home.
TeleHealth provides several major benefits to our patients. First, you have the ability to get advice from a reputable professional about your condition much more quickly than scheduling an appointment in person. Second, it is a great tool for getting a second opinion on the care you may already be receiving from another healthcare professional. Third, the price is right. Where else can you receive world class care from a specialist doctor who knows enough to teach it, for as little as $30?
Some of the conditions we discuss through TeleHealth include; BPPV, Poor balance, Post Injury or Illness, Neurological Disorders, Parkinson's disease, Falling and Fall Prevention, Debility & Disequilibrium, Brain Function, Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Headaches, Fogginess, Vestibular Disorders (Dizziness), Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Atypical BPPV, Cervicogenic Dizziness, General Dizziness, Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS), Vertigo, Motion sickness, Peripheral Vestibular Disorders, Central Vestibular Disorders, Unilateral & Bilateral Vestibular Losses.
The cost for TeleHealth is $30 USD for each 15 minute session. We generally recommend purchasing at least 2 sessions for the initial evaluation. Typically, our doctors often spend more than an hour with patients who come to see us in person. When it comes to TeleHealth, you get to decide how much time you spend with your doctor. Payments can be made online using the PAY MY BILL link (enter "TeleHealth" in the Patient ID section) or by calling us at (828) 505-2664. International callers should enter their own country's international outbound access code followed by 1, then our number. For example, Europeans should contact us by phone by calling 00-1-828-505-2664.
At this time, we are only able to offer English speaking services. We hope that changes in the future. Please remember that this service is designed for remote patient care. If you are a health care provider or professional seeking educational information, advice, or general consultation in our area of expertise, we ask that you contact us by email to make an appointment for that particular type of service.
Once payment has been made, call or email us, so we can schedule a date and time for your appointment. If you have a coupon for a free consultation, skip the payment process and call or email us to schedule your free TeleHealth appointment. We recommend if you wish to have an appointment right away, it is best to call us rather than sending an email. Next, you will receive an email confirmation from us with instructions to login to our TeleHealth portal using your web browser. We recommend that you login before your appointment time so that you can test your video and audio are working correctly. The portal also allows for typing text for patients who have difficulty with their video or audio.
Once your appointment time arrives, your doctor will join you in your session and you will both have two way audio, video, and texting abilities to communicate with each other. Since this is a new service, Dr. Kim Fox, DPT will be handling all TeleHealth appointments. This means you are getting the best! She is an outstanding vestibular therapist and the clinical director of AVORA Health. When she is not busy seeing patients, she teaches to other medical providers on topics pertaining to balance, fall prevention, concussion management, and vestibular disorders. In addition, Dr. Fox diagnoses and treats patients from around the world. Many of her patients have advanced vestibular disorders or rare and unusual conditions that have been misdiagnosed or not treated using proper, modern approaches found in vestibular rehabilitation.
To setup your appointment, call 828.505.2664 or send an email to [email protected]